Personalized Sword Chest Pine tree
Material: Pine Tree
Length: 108 Centimeters / 1080 Millimeters / 42 Inches
Depth: 20.5 Centimeters / 205 Millimeters / 8 Inches
Height: 12 Centimeters / 120 Millimeters / 4.7 Inches
Weight: 6 Kilograms / 6000 Grams / 13 lb / 211 Onz
Features: It is produced as engraved with the name you want. It keeps your sword. It is a personalized gift with superior features. It can be opened with 2 keys.
It has high strength and durability value. The interior design is specially designed for the sword.
There is an Ottoman Tugra in standard production. Personalization is the name engraving in the middle area.